
You have been asked to take part in the jury of your country!


Congratulations, you have made it through all Finals!

  • The player with the highest score worldwide will earn the honour of being the winner of fantESCy worldwide, Hallelujah! And you will receive our Congratulations and a small reward as well 🙂
  • Apart from that, we will have 42 winners for the 41 countries who were competing in 2020 and a winner of the country fantESCia. Those 42 winners will be asked to be the spokesperson for the Grand Final of the next edition of fantESCy in june 2020!

Next edition

  • You will get to choose which edition of Eurovision we will be playing in June 2020 by voting on social media:

    Have lots of fun and Take it away!

App functionality

Become a jury member

Be a member of the national jury of your country and give your personal votes to each country.

Rate the entries

Give your personal votes for the 26 entries in the Grand Final.

Predict the game

Predict the qualifiers and end positions for the Grand Final.

Set-up a Green Room

Create your Green Room of 10 countries. The higher your countries will be ranked in the results of the Grand Final, the more points you will receive!

Share the fun

Create groups, invite your family and friends and compare your personal votes with them!

Stay up-to-date

Read all the news of the biggest fan-websites about ESC, watch our daily selection of videos and vote online for your favorite video of the week.

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